Criminals Using William Atreides II As A Communications Hub
Because William Atreides II was so widely impersonated by criminals, his energy signature was effectively extremely widely distributed across space and time, and incredibly numerous numbers of devices are familiar with it. Since the descendants of time traveling criminals are not as widely noted by criminal technology, they are often, when they become aware of William Atreides II, attempting to use him as a communications hub, making it seems either that they themselves are powerful criminals needing respect and obedience, or that they are representatives of the legal forces that sustain William Atreides II's life, and are therefore demonstrably powerful.
Additionally, since William Atreides II is often thought to be related to various criminals, before their disguises are discovered, they are sometimes sending supposedly vital, supposedly coded communications to him, often in the form of mind control or sensory replacement, essentially claiming that worlds will be destroyed or reprogrammed if he does not perceive or think or do certain things immediately.