Things They Do To Screw The Game

Deliberately not collecting vital intelligence, or deleting it, or fabricating replacement data, knowing that if accurate data is analyzed, time travelers' brats don't get what they want.

Deliberately attempting to lead others, even their betters, into close contact in the hopes that mass will get them what they want.

Claiming their betters are insulted or slighted in order to provoke an aggressive response, including by feeding data on their betters in, hoping that they will be insulted, slighted, or attacked.

Claiming their enemies are easy targets so that they will be rushed by 'gold diggers'.

Deliberately attempting to attrack great notice, instinctively understanding that someone (or something) will attempt to clean up their mess.

Purporting that in any given situation, if they are not automatically destroyed, then criminal technology friendly to them must actually be reprogramming everything coming into contact.