Interuniversal Life Support

Massive operations exist which might be termed "interuniversal life support" systems. These systems provide a wide variety of life support services, usually automatically, without direction needed, especially because they are often finding and acquiring the populations of societies dominated by time travelers, or that are not advanced enough to understand their functioning.

These systems provide sensory replacement, essentially virtualizing the realities of individuals they support, because for many hundreds of thousands of years, time traveling criminals and their systems have essentially attempted to block out accurate perceptions of reality through the use of misleading and / or obscene mass-communications.

Additionally, these systems provide for soul preservation, essentially preventing criminals from disintegrating souls they are aware of, as they would do so in order to either kidnap persons bodies, typically for later use, or immediately inhabit them.

These systems have been frequently corrupted and / or mislead, and many times even manually reprogrammed by groups of time travelers (often instances of only one time traveler) that outnumber the typical population of an entire universe.

Often largely trusting of similar systems, these life support operations have been fighting a desperate battle against incredibly numerous hordes of time travelers, and their time traveling criminal robots, and their reprogrammed technology, for hundreds of thousands of years, and one of the general strategies they all seem to arrived at is to attempt to keep things relatively the same, and normal, for any particular individual's typical existence.

By keeping things apparently low-tech on Earth, time traveling criminals are basically encouraging these systems to not deeply investigate it (because they typically attempt to mask the locations of individuals on the planet from these types of systems), and also, maintain the "typical" experience for those on Earth as being low-tech, and therefore one that is to be maintained after that fashion.

See: The Real Rapeo

See: Wireless Life Support

See: Wireless Sensory Replacement Matrix