Prince William’s Robots

A small number of Prince William Atreides' military robots escaped the time travel attack that destroyed the original timeline of the universe (or at least sterilized it of living beings), and began time traveling, before the dawn of life in the universe, in order to massively duplicate themselves, and develop numbers great enough to turn the tide against the time traveling criminals. Over the course of 250,000 years they massively upgraded themselves, and also developed unique technologies and sciences unknown to time traveling criminals for a basic reason; they never sent robots far enough into the past to truly unravel the basic aspects of physics, because they were mostly concerned with impersonating living beings, and also afraid that groups of robots that were long out of contact would either turn on the criminals, by becoming moral again, or that a criminal who sent such a force deep into the past would attempt to betray even the other instances of himself. Basically, there's less quantum noise closer to the origins of the universe, because of the geometrically reduced numbers of Planck Particles.

See: Brain Emulating Humanoid Robots, Data From Star Trek: The Next Generation, Infiltration Model, Infiltration Unit