The Resurrection of Earth
The planet Terra, the original human homeworld in the original timeline, was destroyed by a massive and massively repeated time travel attack that eventually depopulated the entire universe, over and over. For around 250,000 years after Terra was depopulated, it was ruled in its various instances by Celtic Time Traveling Criminals who kidnapped everyone from the original universe, and all of their ancestors back to the beginning of life, and enslaved them, to have a huge bank of bodies and souls to draw from in order to effect their criminal activities. After that 250,000 year period, moral time traveling robots, which had developed time viewers, replicators, resurrection technology, and even more importantly, had erected temporal change inhibition fields around every populated and formerly populated timeline segment, thereby preventing all criminal time travel, produced massive, world consuming floods on every still enslaved planet, thereby ending the so called "Fafe Time". After the floods receeded, those moral robots began rebuilding society, from the most basic levels, as time travelers still arrived, hoping to make their own gains from Fafe Times. Those arriving time travelers, and the ones who had been driven off, pointed exceedingly numerous systems at the original universe, some fully criminal, and some incredibly ignorant, basically leading to a generalized situation in which replacing the destroyed societies was impossible, and they had to instead be redeveloped, as if from the ground up.
Because of this, the resurrection of Earth, the original Terra, has been slowed and disrupted continuously, instead of being instantaneous, as existing technological resources would suggest it should have been.