Fafe Times

The entire original universe was enslaved, over and over. This was intended to provide bodies for time traveling criminals to murder the occupants of, and inhabit, thereby achieving life extension for themselves, and providing identities to impersonate. Slave bitching devices made everyone enthusiastic and dedicated slaves, willing to use their full abilities in service of the time traveling criminals. This was a way to achieve truly functional amoral robot production. Fafe times were frequently populated by kidnapped members of other timelines, which provided a direct link to those planets, and the lives that impersonation of, would allow time traveling criminals to have control over.

Time traveling criminals turned the original universe into a universe filled with fafe times.

See: Fafe Times 

See: Criminals' "Dead Man's Trigger" Systems 

See: Devils Tower: Cymek Landing Pad Unique To Fafe Time, Devils Tower: Built During Cymek's Fafe Time