Rudolph Grinch Has No Idea How Much Technology He Is Getting Reprogrammed
Rudolph Grinch is basically suggesting that all resources be deployed to simply bother William Atreides of Terra and Andor, in the hopes that this will somehow either get him killed, or force him to reveal him self as the true criminal Rudolph Grinch likely thinks he is.
He is impersonating powerful criminals to orchestrate this strategy, and basically, is suggesting that superhuge criminal duplicates of otherwise legal universes be used to provide false data to the Interuniversal Life Support systems in those similar universes, hoping that they will create annoying changes in William Atreides of Terra and Andor's reality.
He is (apparently) willingly sacrificing technology not his own, on the multi-universal scale in order to temporarily bother Prince William, and doing so over and over, to other criminals' great displeasure. Because criminals now lack time travel capabilities, Rudolph Grinch has not been immediately destroyed by the more powerful criminals he obviously energetically impersonates, and has not been horribly duplicated by time travel, and kidnapped, and forced to Bafti, or worse, and because of this lack of apparent negative consequence, he sees no reason to cease his idiotic and ill advised attacks.
Rudolph Grinch is literally pointlessly sacrificing entire universes that had been manually reprogrammed by trillions upon trillions of instances of Dieter Weber himself, in order to make Prince William experience a momentary annoyance, such as a momentary cough.