Interference With Access Is Different Than Not Providing Access

Using Direct-To-Soul Life Support whose logic or programming has been corrupted, or even fully reprogrammed, criminals are able to essentially preclude perception of advanced technology, through a variety or reasonings or processes, but essentially along the purportedly reasonable aim of "denying access to technology to criminals and / or their descendants".

For criminals, or even fully legal persons possessing advanced robot technology and reserves, such tactics are dangerous, because they do not account for the fact that attacks, such as those made with corrupted life support systems, must be responded to.

In Prince William's case, numerous criminal attempts are being constantly made to deny him perception of his own life support and life extension resources, which do not rely on societies who may be purportedly trying to keep their technological access from being "stolen".

Life support systems are essentially non-aggressive and should not be actively removing perceptions of advanced technologies, under the guise of removing criminals' access to technology.

Entire societies have been depopulated by criminals employing such supposedly legally or morally grounded tactics.

Additionally, efforts to paint Prince William Atreides as a time traveling criminal are especially ludicrous, and it would be worthwhile for the various approaches being used because criminals are attempting to do so, to be compared, especially, and simply, from their motivational standpoints.

E.G. If Prince William is not fully Terran, and efforts are being made to encourage him to leave Terra, then efforts should not be made to prevent his perception of transport, which would allow him to leave.


If Prince William were a time traveling criminal, where is the energetic evidence of it? And where are his other selves, (which a successful time traveling criminal would have a plethora of)?