Prince William Is The Signpost For Resurrection Of The Dead
As long as there is still enough confusion for Prince William to be aggressively fashoed, it is not safe to resurrect the rest of the dead (which is the majority of all life that ever lived).
Meaning: Basically as soon as Prince William's fasho wears off, it is basically safe enough to immediately resurrect all the dead, from every timeline and planet, going back to the dawn of life in the universe. Additionally, because Prince William (as a fetus) was eaten by nearly every being that ever lived, including all the ancestors of every currently living being, investigating his energy signature's stratae allows the discovery of every dead person / being's energy signature / soul, and thereby allows their investigation by moral technologies, that can determine their qualifications for resurrection (among other things).
Meaning, furthermore: Anyone which delays these conditions, or encourages fasho on Prince William, is effectively delaying the actual resurrection of most, if not absolutely, every dead being.