Thomas Aldous Rawling

The first criminal to use time travel, Thomas Aldous Rawling’s nefarious deeds led to unspeakable horrors and atrocities, not the least of which were numerous instances of rape by impersonation - that is, assuming someone’s identity, by copying their body and transplanting your brain into it, or more directly, by transporting your brain directly into their skull, or by simply using sensory replacement to conceal your true physical form.

Before the nuclear war on the original human home world, Terra, Thomas Aldous Rawling was retarded - that is to say, he had Down's Syndrome. When everyone on Terra downloaded their brains into artificial bodies, his was reorganized, which made him much more intelligent than before. His memories from being truly retarded were not given additional context, and he was basically a sociopath, who felt that he would always be at a disadvantage because his original DNA was so retarded.

Possible Aliases: Michael E. Tergetty, Ralph Jones

Often Impersonates: Atreides, Vincenzo Alberto Di Rossi

Known Dead Times: Frogs

See: Tom Rawling Raped A Child To Death (Before He Ever Time Traveled)

See: Cronies Of Thomas Aldous Rawling

See: Ancestors Of Thomas Aldous Rawling

See: Down's Syndrome

See: Trisomy

See: Fasho